Two weeks ago, Google came out with a major core algorithm update.
I get messages every few days, including today, “My site” or “My client’s site” is tanking. What do I do?!” And, guess what I almost always see when I look at their site?
Two things:
1 – Poor website structure
Easy things they could fix, like how fast the site is, better design, improved call-to-action.
2 – Poor content
AI is great for some things. It’s trash for others, especially AI for SEO content.
It’s made some lazy marketers lazier. Lazy AI content = poor content. Poor content = poor rankings.
In 17 years running SEO National, I’ve never had a client get a penalty after any algorithm update. After algorithm updates, most clients are neutral or up. Just look at the attached screenshot.
Lifts all the way up to +11.2%.
Why? Because sticking to the fundamentals pays off.
- Good structure
- Good content
Quit getting distracted. Quit chasing shiny objects, and the latest trends.
Sure, you might get a head start. But do you want to have the fastest 100 meters in a marathon, or do you want to win at the finish line?