Hey, AI content users. Ready for a 40% decrease in visibility? Probably more? 📉

It’s me, Damon.  You know, the SEO that you love to hate, because I say what’s right, not what sells.

That’s been warning about leaning too heavily into AI content.  That’s been preaching human storytelling will win the AI copywriting war.

In 2020 I even wrote a best selling SEO book called Outrank that emphasized the importance of quality content.

“But, Damon. Google officially says they don’t care about AI content.”

Experience says, Google almost always means the opposite on the backend of what they say on the front end.

I get why AI is sexy. I also acknowledge that it isn’t going anywhere.

June 1, 2023 I wrote an article titled “Will AI kill SEO?” No.

August 18, 2023 I wrote an article about how Google will punish mass-produced AI content.

The article was a wake-up call for those using AI intentionally at scale to manipulate SEO or for those business owners doing it unknowingly.

🚨 Two days ago, Google made an announcement 🚨

Is reckoning day here?

Google is rolling out a new algorithm that “will collectively reduce low-quality, unoriginal content in search results by 40%.”

Google AI alrogithm SEO

How confident are you feeling now in your content? In what Google previously said about AI content being okay?

Google now says…

“We’ve long had a policy against using automation to generate low-quality or unoriginal content at scale… Today, scaled content creation methods are more sophisticated, and whether content is created purely through automation isn’t always as clear. To better address these techniques, we’re strengthening our policy to focus on this abusive behavior — producing content at scale… like pages that pretend to have answers to popular searches but fail to deliver helpful content.”

I bet the farm that my clients won’t be negatively impacted.

💪 In fact, they’ll be up.

Just like every past major algorithm since I’ve owned SEO National for 17 years.

🏆 Every one, we’re up.

2016’s Google Mobilegeddon punished websites that weren’t mobile friendly.

🏆 We ensured all clients were on responsive sites, the few that weren’t already, at least a year before this rolled out.

2011’s Google Penguin punished low-quality links.

🏆 We avoided them and were up.

2012’s Google Panda update punished low-quality content.

🏆 We avoided spinning content, and focused on digging deep into the pain points and needs of our client’s customers so we could connect with them on a human level.

👉🏻 2012’s algorithm is why I knew today would come.

Google had a headstart on moderating low-quality content. AI just amplified it at a scale they didn’t expect. Sounds like they’re now closing that gap.

Here’s your final warning call.

If your SEO doesn’t know the difference, I’ll be here to contact to clean up the mess when you need it.



The SEO that doesn’t just sell you what’s sexy, lives and breathes search engine optimization, and isn’t in it to cut corners but to grow you long-term.

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