Today, I went to the beach.



Worked on my book.

This year I’ve taken on a lot of big clients.

It’s been some exciting growth for my company.

As with anything, there has been some tradeoff though. I’ve had to sacrifice time wrapping up editing my SEO book before I send it to a professional editor.

A few weeks ago I set aside time to work on it.

For a whole day.

At the beach.

I wanted a full day outside of my normal routine so I could fully commit to working on this book.

I knew the beach would be wildly beneficial, or wildly distracting.

Luckily, the beach was kind to me and worked in my favor towards productivity.

Got in some meetings with my sanity. Good to see you again, sanity.

Good thing I brought my portable surge protector when I was flying back home earlier. I was the hit of the party, helping people charge their phones. I should have charged $5.

I also found a new purpose for airplane tray holder latch-thingies. Paper-holders as I edit my SEO book.

Glad to be home now. 6am flight there. 2pm flight back. Wanted maximum sunshine with minimum family-missing.

I missed my super model wife, and perfectly chaotic children.

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