Family-Work-Life balance is very important to me. I don’t take time away from my family lightly. Even when it’s for something exciting like building a lakefront cabin.
Besides the beautiful scenery and capturing amazing storms rolling through, time away from my family is time that I can never get back.
- I’ll be cool enough to play with my oldest son for only a few more years. Then dad will be lame.
- I’ll be able to play with my second son this innocently only long enough before he becomes more independent like his older brother.
- My daughter will be the last child of ours that I see learning to crawl. The last diapers that I’ll change.
I cherish the collection of those events, as ridiculous as it will sound to many, as experiences greater than they are individually.
They are my kids’ lives.
But you weigh the advantages and disadvantages.
Killing a whole day every other weekend to get up at 5am and missing my kids waking up, driving 2 hours to the lake, and putting in 12 hours of work in 11 degree weather, just to waste 2 more hours driving back to maaaaybe tuck them in, if they haven’t fallen asleep already, well, sucks…
But I’m willing to sacrifice a few of those days in order to plant the seed for more rich and beautiful days in the future with them.
My wife and I bought this property for one reason. To create a legacy of experiences for our children. When this cabin is done it will likely be the single biggest collection of memories for them as they look back on their childhood.
“I remember when we’d go to the cabin…”
When I’m old, I want to hear this comment a hundred times from them.