New client is up 262% in just 6 months. That’s 1,500 extra, QUALIFIED visitors per month (+50 per day).
Every time I post traffic screenshots, there’s some Karen that thinks everything is a scam and comments, “bUt Wut aBouT dOllarz.”Duh. Of course sales numbers matter more than traffic figures. But not everyone sells online, and tons of websites’ conversions happen after the opt n.
So, here you go, Karen…
It’s translating to a 172% increase in conversions.
BONUS: 41% Direct click-to-call lead gen on top of the 172% lift in lead form submissions.
Good SEO isn’t cheap. But it’s also not expensive, because good SEO pays for itself.
$4k/month in SEO is netting them a few hundred grand a month in $ 💵 $.