New level of pride unlocked.

My son told me him and his friends were Googling names, having fun being kids.

That progressed from Googling names of friends to Googling their parents.

I share with my kids a lot of what I do, hoping to inspire them, but not all of it or in technical detail.

He went on to tell me how much pride he felt in what he saw when he Googled “Damon Burton.”

All the cool things I’ve done and kind words people have shared about how I’ve impacted their lives.

His friends couldn’t believe that his dad had “a whole page of Google,” which made him more proud, which made me the proudest.

Your kids are watching. They see your actions more than hear your words. Give them something to be proud about.

Join the cool kids

Read my latest SEO advice, how I prioritize family, & teach my kids entrepreneurship.

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