Boost your website rankings on search engines with just one 20 minute change?

❌ No CTA changes
❌ No copy changes
❌ No color changes
❌ No design changes

✅ Your website will look exactly the same, just load quicker.

Google is less likely to send a visitor to your website if it loads slow?


Because it makes them look bad by recommending it.  Making your website load faster makes Google look good.  Making Google look good makes them want to show you higher than your slow loading competition.

One of the biggest causes of a slow loading website? Images.

Most images on most websites are oversized. Too often we upload the original image instead of shrinking it to the size it will be viewed on your web page.

When an image is oversized, it slows down your website unnecessarily. When multiple images are oversized, it crushes it.

Here’s how to fix this:

  1. Depending on the browser, right click on the image and select “inspect,” or something similar. You should be able to outline the image and see the height and width.
  2. Right click on the image and “view image.” Again, may vary by browser. Compare the display size of the image from #1 against the raw image size in #2. If #2 is bigger, you have an opportunity to improve the speed of the image, which improves the speed of your website.

For example, if your raw image size is 2000 pixels wide by 2000 pixels tall, but the display size is 500×500, then your image is literally 400% larger than needed.

Simply resize the image to 500×500 and it could improve how fast it loads by 4x, sometimes more.

Repeat for all images.


Running paid ads?

Optimizing your website may also lower your cost per click and increase conversions.

  • Faster load = better ad quality score
  • Better ad quality score = lower CPC/CPL + increased conversions

Easy SEO Win

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