In the last year my company grew from 15 to 50+ team members. Biggest growing pain/priority? Protecting my team.

Not fulfillment

  • We have killer documented processes, so scaling while maintaining quality control is no problem.

Well-being and morale

  • If I take care of my team, they’ll take care of our customers.
  • If I take care of my team, they’ll take care of each other.
  • If I take care of my team, they’ll take care of me.

As a business owner, it’s hard having to detach yourself from some of the more intimate parts of conversation as the logistics of growth force your to prioritize your time. I’ve promoted team members to lead roles to help foster and maintain internal relationships as we grow. But just because I can’t do one-on-ones as often as I used to, doesn’t mean I don’t do them at all.

So I set up a private calendar with custom available hours to accommodate only my team. Department leads now coordinate with their team members to do one-on-one’s with me again through a scalable process.

Result? I can keep my head down in all other areas of the company, we still have department meetings ever two weeks, fully cycling all departments every eight weeks. But now, once a week I can water those one-on-one seeds that I know matter so much.

Hasn’t even been but a few minutes since firing this up and the gratitude already resonates.

Take care of those that take care of you.

success growing pains

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