15 years into being an SEO agency owner and here are things I’m proud of.

  • Having deep relationships with a 33-person deep team, despite them all being remote (always have been)
  • Providing for that many people + their families
  • Crushing sales goals for NBA teams, INC companies, Shark Tank-featured businesses and other cool people we’ve done SEO for.
  • But most of all, building a life that allows for freedoms.

Not only freedoms for me but freedoms for my team. I don’t give them fixed days of the week to work, nor require specific hours in the day.

I don’t bug them on weekends, I don’t ask for their personal numbers. I let them be humans outside of work.

That type of authentic interest in relationships with them has led to be being asked to be a godfather twice, and invited to their weddings all across the globe; literally.

For me… I’ve never missed a kid’s soccer game, basketball game, karate ceremony, and this summer I took my two boys to a skateboard camp.

Proudest accomplishments

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The skate days were two hour session and it’s with a lot of pride being able to watch them from the sidelines and take drink breaks with them in between.

Seems like I’ve done business in reverse.

At first, building this type of life by design just seemed normal to me. “Want a thing? Then do it.” has always been my mindset. As I get older I realize more and more that’s not “normal.” So my gratitude with where I’m at in life grows as I age, too.

Join the cool kids

Read my latest SEO advice, how I prioritize family, & teach my kids entrepreneurship.

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