April 7 is World Health Day, which marks the anniversary of the World Health Organization. It is also a call to action for people to look after their health, especially in times of excessive stress. This is particularly relevant to entrepreneurs who are confronted with the daily challenges of running a profitable business.

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The competition among online entrepreneurs is exceptionally tight given that they must compete not only with big box stores but also with fellow online retailers. Add to this the occasional weight of hard-to-please consumers, and entrepreneurs may find themselves frequently overloaded. As a result, many entrepreneurs become continually preoccupied with their business at the expense of their health.
Smart and savvy entrepreneurs need to take care of their health first and foremost. Otherwise, it can be difficult to make sound decisions and have the energy to meet business demands.
Consider these ideas for maintaining good health as an entrepreneur:
- Don’t skip breakfast – It is tempting to skip breakfast and run out the door to confront an avalanche of business problems at work. Breakfast is a key to good health, however. By the time you wake up from a night’s sleep, your body is hungry for important nutrients. Eating a hearty and healthy breakfast energizes the body and prepares it for a day’s work.
- Avoid instant foods – Frozen food are often a go-to meal for busy people who do not have time to cook. Instant meals can fill you up, but they don’t provide the nutrients that your body needs. Most often, they contain empty calories that can compromise your health in the long run.
- Sleep for success – Smart entrepreneurs should sleep at least seven hours a night to energize their mind and the body for the challenges of the next day.
- Unplug – You’ll rarely get home from work feeling like everything is done, but that’s no reason to keep working yourself into oblivion. Make sure to delegate time at the end of the day to tuck your work concerns away and “unplug” your phone and computer. Focus on other things, such as relationships, in order to maintain a balanced life.
- Learn something new everyday – Though you may be busy, there’s always time to broaden your mind and expand your perspective by learning something new each day. What you learn may not be relevant to your business, but it is good for your mind to focus on something besides the next “to do” on your list.
Don’t neglect yourself at the expense of your business. Staying healthy is crucial to your success as an entrepreneur.