I have no idea who this lady is, but she’s rockin’ a trophy at the table across from me with my company logo on it…

In fifteen years of owning a search engine marketing agency, last weekend was the first time I met any of our stateside team members at SEO National in person.

We’ve grown from 15 to 50 team members recently, so in a few months we have a big retreat planned to try and get the whole crew from across dozens of states together. But in the last year, half a dozen of them have coincidentally moved to UT, where I’m at. So we met up for a sooner get together.

Everyone was amazing, and we laughed for hours.

Towards the end of dinner, I had some funny trophies made that I presented. More on those in a minute…

I had arrived early in the evening before the team because the restaurant didn’t take reservations. So I got a head start on the putting our names down and also hiding the trophies nearby.

The host saw me holding the box of trophies and offered to keep them at the counter. I thanked him and gave him a few bucks and asked, “Could you NOT give these to me when you seat us?”

Fast forward to the end of the night. While waiting for the check I walk back to the front desk and grab the trophies. As I walk back down, there’s a couple next to our table.

“Over here! Over here!” She starts saying to me.

“Bestest Supportive Spouse!!!” She says.

Ha ha ha. She had seen how some of the trophies read at some point back at the counter.

✅ “Top 3 Writers in the Universe”

Of which we had 4 winners in only 3 spots. 😆

✅ Couldn’t leave my team’s partners out, so also had “Bestest Supportive Spouse” trophies made.

We had an extra spouse trophy.

Here’s that random stranger, living her bestest supportive spouse life. 🤣

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