When you document your processes, you become unstoppable and scaling your business to new heights is within your reach.

When you document your processes, your business becomes dependent on those processes and not an individual employee’s skillsets. Then you can hire anyone and plug them in. Makes hiring more flexible, too, because then you can hire based on your terms instead of desperation for the right talent.

This has allowed me to hire as many as 5 SEO’s at once and have them all working full-speed just three days after hiring.

For example, attached is a screenshot from a small section of my company’s documented processes in our CRM.

document processes

It shows a sampling of phases of our SEO processes and the number of tasks within those phases in the parenthesis.

I can hire ANYONE and give them access to this and as long as they are competent enough to follow the documented processes then they’re instantly rockstars with our SEO approach.

Depending on your industry, it can be hard to find the groove of understanding how to document your processes. But it’s worth it.

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