When is the last time you started something that scared you?  You know, that one new thing that you always think about but keep putting off because, well… because life happens.

Starting a podcast was that thing for me, but I’ve now slain that dragon.  Over the last few months I’ve been backlogging a queue of podcast interviews with you, your peers, and respected entrepreneurs with mythical, unicorn-like success stories.  Those interviews are now a podcast called LearningFromOthers.com.

To celebrate the now-weekly podcast, I released episodes more frequently this week and dropped them daily.  This week you can hear the stories of:

  • Shawn Bucher, world traveling chef and the author of First Timer’s Cook Book.
  • Ryan Treft, wizard of B2C fulfillment, consumer product marketing and sourcing.
  • Nate Thomas, professional basketball player and commerce guru.
  • Teri Klug, Fortune 500 business consultant, leader, speaker and advisor.
  • Darren Squires, former President of Larry H. Miller-owned Fanzz sports apparel and current Chief Analytics Officer for powerhouse Las Vegas attorneys, Tingey Injury Law Firm.

Launching a podcast has been a great learning experience, and talking with others has become quite therapeutic.  Thank you for listening, and I look forward to you enjoying more recent episodes as I release them as they quality grows as I learn.

Whatever it is you’re wanting to do, just start. It will never be perfect. Your plans will will evolve quickly and vary dramatically. Just start.

Join the cool kids

Read my latest SEO advice, how I prioritize family, & teach my kids entrepreneurship.

Appreciate you subscribing. I try keeping the list actionable. Hope you enjoy.