A smarty pants person pre-internet days said,

“An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion?” Same goes for positivity.

Nearly daily, I get messages or tagged on social about some ripple effect that started with a small motion made from positivity. Those ripples were started hoping they’d make waves, but without ever any direct knowledge of in which direction and how large of a wave.

Today I found out that a new friend and entrepreneur advisor will be paying youth that she mentors to read my book, Outrank.


(click to view full-size)

Say whaaaaaaat?

Book > helping youth > supporting growth > guarantee some of them will give back as they mature and succeed > repeat > helping youth > supporting growth > give back. Repeat.

I’ve only talked one-on-one with Bree once, but the conversation rocked. The best discussions happen when you go into them no agenda, expecting nothing.

We’ve chatted just a few times via social since then, but the mutual positivity shared is locked in for life.

There’s a lot to be said with that quote at the beginning of this post. By simply swapping out a word or two it now reads, “Emotions at rest stay at rest and positivity in motion stays in motion.”

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