Writing a book about SEO and giving it away for free is one of the best things I’ve ever done.

Just had a call with a lead.

❌ Never talked before
❌ Didn’t know anything about me

He Googled my name after someone mentioned me, found my best-selling SEO book (free PDF copy or physical on Amazon) and read it, which…

  • answered all of his pain points
  • justified why he was stuck poor agencies he chose
  • showed him that a path to success was possible
  • positioned me as the expert to get there

Within three days went from zero exposure to me or my team at SEO National, read a book, scheduled a call, and closed a $45,170 deal in one call.

And this isn’t the first time that’s happened.

Giving away everything for free continues to be my most profitable source of leads.  I could be selling this book for a few dozen $1.97 ebook downloads each month. Maybe a few hundred. Or I could continue to give it away for free, increase authority, help many along the way, and continue pre-qualifying and closing leads.

Join the cool kids

Read my latest SEO advice, how I prioritize family, & teach my kids entrepreneurship.

Appreciate you subscribing. I try keeping the list actionable. Hope you enjoy.