While I lived with my mom post-divorce, the more I age the more I appreciate the sacrifices that my dad made.
When I was somewhere around eight, my mom re-married to an abusive alcoholic. I grew up in it, and so did my six younger siblings.
We moved several times a year up until I was mid-teens, and the ramifications of growing up an alcoholic environment are real. But I pulled myself out that drama filled wasteland on my own as a teenager and haven’t looked back since.
First one to go to college, paid my way myself one semester at a time. And I dropped out with one semester left to pursue what I do now.
You go to college to hope for an opportunity. For me, I saw opportunity right in front of me in the infancy of my web design days… so I went for it.
That design background transitioned into doing digital marketing. In 2007 I took that experience and founded SEO National and continue to work with Shark Tank featured businesses, NBA teams, billion dollar brands, all the way down to mom and pops.
I built my business from the ground up. I did it so I could have stability; stable career, stable income, stability for my family, roots for my kids.
Fate can take a hike. Good or bad, no one will save you. Own your circumstances. Everything I’m proud of, I earned it.