I travel to a lot of entrepreneurial events to speak and learn. Meet a lot of accomplished people, see fancy cars, and hear stories of success.

One thing I’ve noticed from the last few events is that I care less about business and more about impact. That’s not to say I don’t care about business. I’m an entrepreneur for life.

I mean that it’s less about the money. That seems to be a common denominator among entrepreneurs after accomplishing a reasonable level of success.

A speaker at the latest event talked about how he feels obligated, in a good way, to make it his full-time job to ensure his wife is as happy as she can be. Being married nearly 17 years, I resonated with that. My wife is the best, and she deserves it all.

His words rang a level further for me, in that I want that job as full-time happiness maker to also include my kids.

The other thing that impact includes is community.

I want to build a bigger tribe to make a bigger impact.

I’ve already broken generational chains in my family. Now I want to gift that to others.


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