While many workers enjoy a 9 to 5 schedule, this is not often the life of an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs often work well beyond those hours, attending to different problems that crop up in addition to standard management tasks. As a result, business owners need to be extra energetic, productive, and resourceful to keep their companies ticking along smoothly.

(Pixabay / congerdesign)
If you have the taxing schedule of an entrepreneur, you might find yourself in need of a bit more energy. Your late nights may come back to haunt you when the early alarm clock rings. If you’re struggling to start the day off right in spite of a hectic schedule, consider the following hacks to help entrepreneurs master their mornings.
Plan your day in advance – Take a few minutes in the evening to plan the following day. Planners—whether they be old fashioned paper planners or the phone app variety—are essential in mapping out your task list and schedule. Once you make this a nightly ritual, you’ll find you can start the next day with purpose and a clear plan for efficiently accomplishing your daily jobs, even when time is tight.
Wake up when the alarm goes off – Hitting the snooze button may seem inviting, but the time you spend lolling in bed after the alarm rings is poor quality, interrupted rest. Besides, there’s nothing worse than rushing through your morning routine and heading out the door in a frenzy. By waking up with the alarm clock, you’ll stay on schedule, have adequate time to get ready, and be able to leave the house in a peaceful state of mind.
Start happy – Find something that will make you feel happy at the beginning of your day. Try listening to your favorite podcast while you are getting ready for work. Read for a few minutes or play with your kids or your pet. Though there’s not a lot of slush time in the morning, allowing yourselves a few moments of indulgence can give you a reason to bound out of bed in the morning.
Ignore your phone – It’s hard to resist being connected at all times, but leave your phone out of the equation until later in the morning. While many people like to check their phone right after rolling out of bed, this can start your day off with a feeling of anxiety or dread. Do the first things first. Tend to your own morning needs and postpone checking your phone for emails or messages until you reach your office and are ready to start working.
Have a healthy breakfast – A healthy and nutritious breakfast will kick start your productivity and give you energy to last throughout the day.
Get your caffeine fix later – If you need a caffeine boost, don’t feel compelled to get it right after getting out of bed. Enjoy your morning routine. Save your energy boost for when work hits hard.
Mornings are important because they set the mood for what’s ahead. A well-paced, well-planned morning can eliminate stress and help you be more productive for the long work days of an entrepreneur.