Listen up retail e-commerce websites. Free SEO tip to rank your product higher on #Google for keywords that you can profit from.

Everyone knows that content is important for SEO, but there are only so many ways to write about your product over and over. Especially if the only difference between your inventory is the color and size of your product.

Check out the attached to use as a sample guide of how to do just that… diversify descriptions of products, even if your inventory really isn’t that diversified.  I created a product description template that covered all of the value propositions that this SEO client, Peejamas, wanted to share with their customers.

Peejamas (clever, right?) are potty-training pajamas. Great for kids. Sanity-savers for parents.

The benefits of this product to parents are:

  • cheaper than buying night-time diapers over and over
  • saves on landfill waste from disposable diapers
  • stylish so kids embrace them
  • more reliable/less intrusive than bedwetting alarms

Their content problem? They only have one product, potty training pajamas, but they’re available in pants or shorts, and with different prints and patterns.  We had to come up with a solution to diversify their content and add rich keywords without saying the exact same thing over and over.

So we came up with a template of the alternative ways to communicate the benefits of their product, but in interchangeable scenarios. This allows them to clearly communicate their value and message consistently, but in diversified ways to offer more unique text for search engines to love.

🟡 Items in yellow are variations of keyword targets that were rotated, each potential keyword separated by a vertical divider.
🟢 Items in green were retained/matched/updated specifically per-product.
🔴 Items in red were included only if applicable.

You can follow this model for your website’s products, too. The benefits?

  • increased keyword mentions for further enhanced search engine rankings, but without keyword stuffing
  • product description consistency and readability for increased conversions

diversifying SEO content

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