Started funding retirement accounts for all three of my kids this year.

kids retirement

Everything negative I experienced as a child, violence, no roots because constantly moving, are what made me. Those experiences are what built my proactive protective reactions that later served me well as an entrepreneur.  But those are things you wouldn’t wish upon your kid to “make them tougher.”

Giving my kids every advantage I didn’t have, while also not spoiling them is top of mind 24/7.  How do you give your kids a better life without them knowing how fortunate they are?

  • Tell them where the family came from.
  • Be transparent about what a dollar is worth.
  • Show them that you broke generational chains.
  • When it comes to materialist things, they can use their own money.

Not planning on giving them my entire estate. But that doesn’t mean I can’t give them a safety net.  The plan, at least as of today, is to give them enough that they won’t ever have to fully struggle, but to not give them enough that they do nothing with their life.

One of my favorite parts in all of this is being excited for the day they find out that mom and dad were thinking about them that many years ago.

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Read my latest SEO advice, how I prioritize family, & teach my kids entrepreneurship.

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