8 or so years ago I invested $10k into a startup. No guarantee of a return. In fact, the opposite. When you private invest, the agreements literally say you will probably lose your money.
This was back when I first started to have decent disposable income, but that’s still a lot of money to send off with no deadline of an ROI, if any return at all.
But I believed in the person. Someone that had become a friend. I knew nothing about the market he was launching in, but I knew he was 110% passionate about anything he decided to pursue.
The industry has had dramatic swings over the years. Several times suppliers bottle necked things, basically sabotaging progress. Regulations changed, causing unexpected pivots.
But he kept moving forward, not taking no for an answer. Then when it did start to make money, you reinvest that into the business, and the first dividend is here. 🔥
At this rate, will make my money back and then some this year. Then free money every year thereafter. Grateful for the rewards of delayed gratification.