There’s an easy sales/client lead generation tip that I swear by. Tried, tested, and proven. It’s not…

  • cold-calling
  • pay-per-click advertising
  • marketing videos
  • Facebook ads
  • newsletters
  • funnels

It’s giving away value.

“Value” has been made such a cringey word. So what is it?  You know those sneaky “I have the solution to your problems” posts on social media… then at the very bottom there is a bait and switch to “just go sign up for my thing!”?  It’s not that.

What if, instead, you just… solved the reader’s problem? No call-to-action?  What if you posted with a true intention of helping and not to …

  • gain likes
  • collect emails
  • bait and switch

Your customers are getting smarter. Those masked sales pitches can be sniffed from a mile away.  And it’s a little creepy.

Instead, establish trust credibility with your audience.  I do it by sharing SEO tips, giving business advice, and opening my inbox for any questions.  What happens when you do this?

increase sales

Like the attached image, you ATTRACT customers, and good, loyal ones. You…

  • bring down the sales walls
  • grow your network/reach
  • build trust/your authority
  • increase conversions

This concept has been the biggest contributor to sustained growth in my business for 13 years. It’s how I landed SEO contracts with…

  • Shark Tank featured businesses
  •  multiple INC 5000 companies
  •  Utah Jazz’s Team Store

In the real world, no one shuts the door on a shopper when they ask a question, or tells them to sign up for their email list before their problem can be solved.

Join the cool kids

Read my latest SEO advice, how I prioritize family, & teach my kids entrepreneurship.

Appreciate you subscribing. I try keeping the list actionable. Hope you enjoy.

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