I’ve had 3+ conversations in the last few months of people interested in acquiring, partnering, or investing in my company, SEO National.

It’s flattering.  The possibilities are amazing.

But I’m on a rocket ship to growth with countless opportunities already in front of me, so not biting.

What’s been fascinating though is WHY.  Why do these people approach me?  Why do they want to offer cash, deals, and partnerships?

A strong business with good sales and efficiencies is attractive. But that’s not the deciding factor.

The answer?  Personality.

I’m not a hype’y sales bro.  I’m not flashy.  In many respects, my business is “boring.”

I’m focused, reserved, and head down, 24/7, while prioritizing family and integrity in business.  That’s attractive in investing/partnering/acquiring, because business is a marriage. It’s a relationship between two parties.

How you approach life outside of business tells a story of how you approach life inside business.  You will be living with each other for a reasonable amount of time, fully accepting each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

You can bro-sell all you want. But if you want big boy opportunities, people are watching and paying attention to what really matters, priorities and integrity.

Join the cool kids

Read my latest SEO advice, how I prioritize family, & teach my kids entrepreneurship.

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