Twice in one week I’ve been asked the same question.

The answer was that two of these five dramatically increased my company revenue years ago, and can probably help you, too.

“Can you recommend some good business books?” was the question.

Being asked twice in one week provided me an opportunity to nail down more than just a list. Here are 5 good books and WHY you should read them… in this order.

📘 1 – Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson

📖 2 – Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim

📕 3 – Dotcom Secrets by Russell Brunson

📒 4 – E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber

📙 5 – The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

Expert Secrets will help you figure out what you are passionate about and how to monetize it. Russell’s book gives you step-by-step instructions on starting your business with “why” in mind.

Blue Ocean Strategy will help you understand if there is a market for your idea.

Dotcom Secrets will help you take your business online; the easiest path to a mass market.

E-Myth Revisited will help you understand the importance of building processes to:

✅ get better results

✅ be scalable.

I recommend 4-Hour Workweek last, because it teaches you how to save time. But you shouldn’t try to gracefully cut corners until you know what your processes are.

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