Boss’s Day was originally developed to honor managers for mentoring and serving their employees. After all, an ideal boss is not the person who loves to boss people around, but rather a leader who encourages others to follow by being an example and teacher that others can respect.

There’s no one-size-fits-all leader. A boss could be a dark-suited executive with an MBA from a prestigious business school or a jeans-clad startup entrepreneur who is running an e-commerce business from a garage. Regardless of education or style, an ideal business leader is one who knows how to empower workers, inspiring confidence and enthusiasm.


(Pixabay / Unsplash)

Characteristics of True Leaders

As you focus on becoming an inspirational boss, consider the following habits and attributes that contribute to strong leadership:

  • Face challenges – True leaders do not shirk from challenges. They show courage and fortitude in moving ahead. You may not be equipped with all the tools and powers needed to confront a challenging situation, but you can surround yourself with people who are. Do not deflect blame when mistakes happen but take full responsibility.
  • Win trust – Winning the trust of your employees is not difficult if you are honest with them. Show your concern for your employees’ lives. Don’t pry into their privacy, but be interested in their families and home life. When employees make mistakes, use it as a teaching opportunity rather than a chance to berate them. Calmly explain what needs to be done instead of reprimanding the employee.
  • Be real – Don’t pretend to be something you are not. If you are in middle management, be comfortable in your shoes. Don’t pretend to occupy a higher office or wield more power than you actually do. Lead with your own style. If you’re serious, embrace it. If you’re funny, go with it. You can leave your unique stamp on your organization by being true to yourself.
  • Earn respect – You can’t demand respect; you must earn it. Respect is a two-way street. Treat your employees the way that you would like to be treated.

The test of true leadership is not measured in terms of what you alone have accomplished, but rather in terms of what the people working under your guidance and leadership have accomplished. A true leader can elevate others to greatness.

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